Call Us Today! (719) 542-7383

Electrician in Pueblo, CO

Serving the Surrounding Areas


I have made it my job to make sure that your electrical troubleshooting and installations are done carefully and correctly. When your electrical system is in need of repair, it is often dangerous to let the problem remain unsolved. Electrical systems are complex and interconnected, which means that when one component is out of place, the entire system is at risk.

If you suspect that your electrical system could potentially be damaged, call Pete's Electrical Maintenance right away and I will be out to see you ASAP. With my help, I will be able to identify the exact issue that is preventing your system from functioning properly. I offer an array of services, including new construction electrical wiring, remodels and much more. Needless to say, my work has provided customers with electrifying satisfaction.

If you are looking for a trusted electrician, give me a call at Pete's Electrical Maintenance.

New Construction | Electrical Troubleshooting | Electrical Panels

Why Choose Me

  • I am Dedicated to Customer Satisfaction
  • I am a Knowledgable & Professional Expert in my Field
  • I Have Affordable Rates
  • 20+ Years in the industry